Longhorn Secondary Chemistry, Learner’s Book senior 4
May 5, 2023
Longhorn Secondary Art and Design, Learner’s Book senior 4
May 5, 2023
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book senior 4
UGX 26,000 Original price was: UGX 26,000.UGX 22,000Current price is: UGX 22,000.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book senior 4, is a new course Learner-Instruction Book that has been recommended by the Ministry of Education and Sports, for use in Uganda Secondary Schools. It fulfils all the goals and targets of the Lower Secondary Biology Curriculum in Uganda, which the learner must follow for effective execution of the course content.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book senior 4, is unique, in that it allows a thorough implementation of all course content by the learners, while using all learner-centered teaching methodologies, which in turn, promote the participation for all, in learning Biology through:
- Well-organised topics which are sequentially presented, to allow transition from one concept to the next.
- Demonstrative integration of text and illustrations to boost understanding.
- Numerous indoor and outdoor activities which are investigative.
- Experimentation and demonstration using locally available materials.
- Work-to-do exercises within the activities and at the end.
- Biology-related games which make learning Biology interesting, and enjoyable for all.
- A user-friendly approach which is well-centred on the learner’s own environment for easier understanding of the concepts.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book Senior 4, is detailed and comprehensively covers all the Learning outcomes tabulated in the Senior 4 Biology syllabus. The authors are experts in Biology, and are classroom teachers, who have taught Biology for many years. They have brought their vast experience into play in this book.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book senior 4, is a new course Learner-Instruction Book that has been recommended by the Ministry of Education and Sports, for use in Uganda Secondary Schools. It fulfils all the goals and targets of the Lower Secondary Biology Curriculum in Uganda, which the learner must follow for effective execution of the course content.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book senior 4, is unique, in that it allows a thorough implementation of all course content by the learners, while using all learner-centered teaching methodologies, which in turn, promote the participation for all, in learning Biology through:
- Well-organised topics which are sequentially presented, to allow transition from one concept to the next.
- Demonstrative integration of text and illustrations to boost understanding.
- Numerous indoor and outdoor activities which are investigative.
- Experimentation and demonstration using locally available materials.
- Work-to-do exercises within the activities and at the end.
- Biology-related games which make learning Biology interesting, and enjoyable for all.
- A user-friendly approach which is well-centred on the learner’s own environment for easier understanding of the concepts.
Longhorn Secondary Biology, Learner’s Book Senior 4, is detailed and comprehensively covers all the Learning outcomes tabulated in the Senior 4 Biology syllabus. The authors are experts in Biology, and are classroom teachers, who have taught Biology for many years. They have brought their vast experience into play in this book.
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Kitabu hiki ni cha kipekee kwa kuwa kinamshurutisha mwanafunzi kutekeleza mafunzo yote yaliyomo kitabuni kwa kutumia mbinu zote zinazohitajika kwa mwanafunzi kujifunza. Mbinu zilizomo kitabuni zinashirikisha wanafunzi wote kujifunza Kiswahili kupitia; mada zilizopangwa vizuri na kwa utaratibu kuhusu hali ya mpito kutoka kwa dhana moja hadi nyingine, kazi angavu iliyofungamanishwa na michoro kuongeza ufahamu zaidi, shughuli kadhaa za kiudadisi ndani na nje ya darasa, majaribio na ufafanuzi wa kutumia nyenzo za kawaida zipatikanazo katika mazingira ya mwanafunzi, shughuli jumlishi za kufanywa mwishoni mwa mwa kila mada kuu, na uchoraji wa mazingira rahisi ya mwanafunzi yanayomwezesha kuelewa dhana kwa urahisi.
Kitabu cha sekondari cha Longhorn, kitabu cha mwanafunzi, kidato cha nne, kimeandikwa kwa utondoti kwa kuzingatia mahitaji yote ya silabasi ya kidato cha nne. Wandishi wa kitabu hiki ni walimu wenye tajriba pana ya ufundishaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili darasani. Wamefundisha Kiswahili kwa ngazi tofauti za elimu nchini Uganda kama vile; shule za sekondari, vyuo vya walimu wa shule msingi na za sekondari, vyuo vikuu kwa miaka mingi. Mwanafunzi atakayekisoma kwa makini na kufuata maagizo yaliyomo atajifunza Kiswahili kwa urahisi na kupata umilisi ulionuiwa.
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Longhorn Secondary History and Political Education, Learner’s Book senior 4, is a new course Learner-Instruction Book that has been recommended by the Ministry of Education and Sports, for use in Uganda Secondary Schools. It fulfils all the goals and targets of the Lower Secondary History and Political Education Curriculum in Uganda, which the learner must follow for effective execution of the course content.
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- Well-organised topics which are sequentially presented, to allow transition from one concept to the next.
- Demonstrative integration of text and illustrations to boost understanding.
- Numerous indoor and outdoor activities which are investigative.
- Experimentation and demonstration using locally available materials.
- Work-to-do exercises within the activities and at the end.
- History and Political Education -related games which make learning History and Political Education interesting, and enjoyable for all.
- A user-friendly approach which is well-centred on the learner’s own environment for easier understanding of the concepts.
Longhorn Secondary History and Political Education, Learner’s Book Senior 4, is detailed and comprehensively covers all the Learning outcomes tabulated in the Senior 4 History and Political Education syllabus. The authors are experts in History and Political Education, and are classroom teachers, who have taught History and Political Education for many years. They have brought their vast experience into play in this book.
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Longhorn Secondary Technology and Design, Learner’s Book senior 4
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Longhorn Secondary Technology and Design, Learner’s Book senior 4, is unique, in that it allows a thorough implementation of all course content by the learners, while using all learner-centered teaching methodologies, which in turn, promote the participation for all, in learning Technology and Design through:
- Well-organised topics which are sequentially presented, to allow transition from one concept to the next.
- Demonstrative integration of text and illustrations to boost understanding.
- Numerous indoor and outdoor activities which are investigative.
- Experimentation and demonstration using locally available materials.
- Work-to-do exercises within the activities and at the end.
- Technology and Design -related games which make learning Technology and Design interesting, and enjoyable for all.
- A user-friendly approach which is well-centred on the learner’s own environment for easier understanding of the concepts.
Longhorn Secondary Technology and Design, Learner’s Book Senior 4, is detailed and comprehensively covers all the Learning outcomes tabulated in the Senior 4 Technology and Design syllabus. The authors are experts in Technology and Design, and are classroom teachers, who have taught Technology and Design for many years. They have brought their vast experience into play in this book.
Revision UCE Biology
Longhorn quick revision UCE Biology is a step by step coverage of the full UCE school syllabus for Biology. The student is given an in-depth content of each class in a summarative yet enriching manner.
The book:
- Presents information in a learner friendly language.
- Gives responses to questions with precision leaving out unnecessary details.
- Presents the information mainly in point form hence easy to understand and internalise.
- Covers each content independent of each other, giving the student quick back-reference to each recall.
- Lifts the sub topics to the question mode, forcing the student to conceptualise the likely question and solutions.
The authors of this book are experienced teachers, examiners and curriculum developers for Biology in Uganda.
UGX 20,000Original price was: UGX 20,000.UGX 15,300Current price is: UGX 15,300.
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